Coming Soon…
Study Skills
What better life skill than knowing how to approach your studies? Sift through the onslaught of information in our fast-paced world and take the time to learn the stuff that helps you to learn:
memory exercises
time-management and organisation
note-taking and summarising skills
exam and essay technique
public speaking
The ability to apply creative and critical thinking to your studies will give you the edge. Workshops are tailored to high school students and take an engaging and practical approach. Contact us now.
Vocal Group
There is no greater joy than the opportunity to sing with others! Vocal group is all about learning vocal technique for solo and choir, music education and performance skills in a welcoming environment. Music will include a blend of both familiar and unfamiliar songs for enrichment. Come and learn the art of really listening. No auditions - take those singing skills from the shower and share! Contact us now.